Maries Tipp

Send Nudes

Another reading highlight this year! Never before have I read a volume of such strong stories, so spellbound as Send Nudes. Each chapter is special in itself, both in terms of the content of the characters and moments and in the way they are told - absorbing, touching and on point. The stories form one of those multi-perspective books that come with the wish that every voice had room to unfold in a thick novel and that make you both happy and sad at the same time. What's more, Send Nudes is Saba Sam's debut, so I can look forward to everything the author will write in the future: I wish and predict a meteoric rise.

Alle Tipps von Marie
Einband: gebundenes Buch
EAN: 9783492072205
22,00 € (inkl. MwSt.)

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