Wils Tipp


4 astronauts and 2 cosmonauts spin around the earth aboard the ISS over the course of 24 hours. A mundane daily life 250 miles up on the cusp of the universe that is not at all mundane. Cut adrift from time and space, 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets in 24 hours, no up, no down, their bodies and minds slowly succumb to the soft unyielding ravages of space.

They tend their experiments, the mice, the plants, the heart cells, they carry out routine maintenance, they eat and talk and exercise and sleep. And they meditate on humanity, on being human, on te future of our species in space, on the moon, on Mars and beyond. A startlinglybeutiful paean to our planet and its inhabitants.

Alle Tipps von Wil
Einband: Paperback
EAN: 9781529922936
14,90 € (inkl. MwSt.)

Jetzt vorhanden in diesen Filialen:

Vorrätige Exemplare*
BUCHBOX! Kastanienallee: 9 Stück
BUCHBOX! Helmikiez: 1 Stück
BUCHBOX! Bötzowkiez: 5 Stück
Love Story of Berlin: 15 Stück
* Bestand unter Vorbehalt. Bitte telefonisch nachfragen!

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