Health maintenance of organs and nerves Here, in a unique concept, the well-known medicinal plant expert Ursel Bühring shows you how you can maintain your health using medicinal herbs. Month by month, she presents cures for the liver, kidneys, stomach and digestive tract, heart, psyche, skin and urinary tracts that will benefit these organs and keep them healthy. Different possibilities for every organ, whether tea, tincture or prefabricated compounds, offer astounding applications for everyone. Extra feature: a calendar of cures for the entire year, and tips for collecting and drying medicinal plants.
Ursel Bühring ist Heilpraktikerin mit Schwerpunkt Phytotherapie, Krankenschwester, Natur- und Umweltpädagogin. Sie ist Gründerin der Freiburger Heilpflanzenschule und viel gefragte Autorin und Referentin für Phytotherapie. Hier geht es zur Internetseite der Autorin:
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Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart