A terrifying secret. A missing girl.
As dawn breaks on a snowy February morning, a refrigerated lorry is found parked in the heart of London's Chinatown. Insidetwelve womenare discovered - all dead from hypothermia.
But when DC Max Wolfe looks in the cab of truck, he findsthirteen passports.
One woman has survived.Where is she?And what sort of danger is she in?
The hunt for her will take Max into thedark heartof a terrifying world where nothing and nobody issafe...
Tony Parsons left school at sixteen and his first job in journalism was at theNew Musical Express. His first journalism after leaving theNMEwas when he was embedded with the Vice Squad at 27 Savile Row, West End Central. The roots of the DC Max Wolfe series started here.
Since then he has become an award-winning journalist and bestselling novelist whose books have been translated into more than forty languages.The Murder Bag, the first novel in the DC Max Wolfe series, went to number one on first publication in the UK. All of the DC Max Wolfe novels have beenSunday Timestop five bestsellers.
Tony lives in London with his wife, his daughter and their dog, Stan.