Need to swot up on your Shakespeare?
If youve always felt a bit embarrassed at your precarious grasp on the plot ofOthello, or you havent a clue what a petard (as in hoist with his own petard)actuallyis, then fear not, because this, at last, is theperfect guideto the Bard.
From the authors of the number-one bestsellingHomework for Grown-ups,Shakespeare for Grown-upsistheessential book for anyone keen to deepen their knowledge of they plays and sonnets.
For parents helping with their childrens homework, casual theatre-goers who want to enhance their enjoyment of the most popular plays and the general reader who feels they should probably know more about Britains most splendid scribe,Shakespeare for Grown-upscovers Shakespeare's time; his personal life; his language; his key themes; his less familiar works and characters; his most famous speeches and quotations; phrases and words that have entered general usage, and much more.
With lively in-depth chapters on all the major works includingHamlet,Othello,KingLear,The Tempest,Romeo and Juliet,Much Ado About Nothing,Antony and Cleopatra,Richard II,HenryV,A Midsummer Night's Dream,The Merchant of VeniceandMacbeth,Shakespeare for Grown-upsis the only guide youll ever need.
Doing their best to forget their underwhelming turns as Peaseblossom and the Bishop of Carlisle in school performances,B. CoatesandE. Foleywere delighted to rediscover the joy of Shakespeare as grown-ups.
As editors, they spend their days immersed in Words, words, words. They are the bestselling authors ofHomework for Grown-ups,Advanced Homework for Grown-upsandThe Homework for Grown-ups Quiz Book.