Sweet Harmony


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780356514772
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2020
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


'NORTH IS AN ORIGINAL AND EVEN DAZZLING WRITER' KirkusFrom the award-winning, bestselling Claire North comes a brand new stand-alone novella - a clever and unnervingly plausible dystopian tale set five minutes into the future . . .Harmony is tired. Tired of working so hard, tired of the way she looks, tired of being average. But all that changes when she decides to splash out and upgrade her nanos. And why not? Everyone's doing it now. With a simple in-app purchase, you can update the tech in your bloodstream to transform yourself - get enhanced brain power, the perfect body or a dazzling smile. Suddenly, everything starts going right for Harmony. She's finally becoming the person she always wanted to be. But when she ends up running too many upgrades on her body all at once, the effects will be more catastrophic than she could have imagined.With Sweet Harmony, Claire North proves yet again that she is one of the most innovative and original voices in modern fiction.Praise for Sweet Harmony:'Terrifying, plausible, and intelligent. An outstanding novella' Fantasy Book Critic'Sweet Harmony doesn't just deliver a scary and convincing near future but also glorious, on-point writing . . . Strongly recommended' Blue Book Balloon'An unnerving, sharply observed and altogether too plausible novella' Civilian Reader 'Brilliant' The Digital FixAlso by Claire North:The First Fifteen Lives of Harry AugustTouchThe Sudden Appearance of HopeThe End of the Day84KThe GameshouseThe Pursuit of William Abbey

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