The latest in Rachel Bright's 'other' bestselling picture book series, illustrated by Chris Chatterton. On this outing, to the picnic ground, it's about listening. Kids love to talk, but they can listen too. Be prepared for the kids to get involved, they don't wont Chattysaurus to fall into the hole, but he's too busy chatting, and that's a great way for the kids to learn that if it's all out and no in then life is just not as interesting!
Jetzt vorhanden in diesen Filialen:
Lieselotte: Die schönsten Geschichten zu Weihnachten
Steffensmeier, Alexander
Rette das Märchenland! - Ein ganz besonderes Du-entscheidest-selbst-Abenteuer
Misslin, Sylvie
Daliahs Garten - Das Geheimnis des grünen Nachtfeuers
Turan, Fabiola
Die kleine Schnecke Monika Häuschen: Warum haben Regenwürmer Superkräfte?
Naumann, Kati