This book investigates multidimensional change in the Arctic and policy response to it. It focuses its attention on the need for effective leadership within the region. In so doing it considers the contribution made by the main international organization of the region, the Arctic Council. In particular, it examines the various leadership functions undertaken by the Chair of that body including that of convener, manager, promoter, representative and resolver of differences. It is argued that in performing these multiple roles the Chair is contributing to the necessary leadership required to address pressing Arctic concerns.
The book highlights the activities of the four most recent Arctic Council Chairs, Sweden, Canada, the United States and Finland. It considers the programs for action that each of these countries promoted during their terms at the helm of this major circumpolar organization. It examines the particular approaches, methods and strategies that eachused to advance its agenda and the consequences of such efforts. It focuses attention on the need for building consensus among a diverse membership including Arctic states, organizations representing northern indigenous peoples, non-Arctic countries and non-governmental bodies.
Drawing upon the insights of scholars from several disciplines from across the circumpolar community, the collected essays in this volume seek to paint a picture of the real challenges and opportunities for international diplomacy in the contemporary North. It suggests that there are true lessons to be learned in advancing leadership within the region. The book provides a means for considering these and the most effective means of response.
Professor Douglas C. Nord is an established scholar inthe fields of international relations and comparative politics. His areas of specialty include the foreign and northern development policies of Canada, the Nordic states and Russia as well as the United States. He has written extensively on the relations between the countries of the circumpolar north and on the emergence of the Arctic as a central concern of contemporary international politics. Professor Nord has taught and undertaken research inquiries at various educational institutions across the region. He presently conducts his studies at the University of Umeå in Sweden where he is an associated research professor at the Arctic Research Centre (ARCUM). He has recently published two volumes on the Arctic Council: The Changing Arctic: Creating a Framework for ConsensusBuilding within the Arctic Council (2016) andThe Arctic Council: Governance within the Far North(2016).