Do you think that you or someone you love may suffer from and eating disorder?
Eating Disorders For Dummies gives you the straight facts you need to make sense of whats happening inside you and offers a simple step-by-step procedure for developing a safe and health plan for recovery.
This practical, reassuring, and gentle guide explains anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder in plain English, as well as other disorders such as bigorexia and compulsive exercising. Informative checklists help you determine whether you are suffering form an eating disorder and, if so, what impact the disorder is having or may soon have on your health. Youll also get plenty of help in finding the right therapist, evaluating the latest treatments, and learning how to support recovery on a day-by-day basis. Discover how to:
Identify eating disorder warning signsSet yourself on a sound and successful path to recoveryRecognize companion disorders and addictionsHandle anxiety and emotional eatingSurvive setbacksApproach someone about getting treatmentTreat eating disorders in men, children, and the elderlyHelp a sibling, friend, or partner with and eating disorderBenefit from recovery in ways you never imagined
Complete with helpful lists of recovery dos and donts,Eating Disorders For Dummies is an immensely important resource for anyone who wants to recover or help a loved one recover from one of these disabling conditions and regain a healthy and energetic life.
Introduction.Part I: Eating Disorders: An All-Consuming World of Their Own.
Chapter 1: Understanding Eating Disorders.
Chapter 2: Getting Insight into Anorexia Nervosa.
Chapter 3: Seeing Inside Bulimia Nervosa.
Chapter 4: Understanding Binge Eating Disorder.
Chapter 5: Eating Disorder Risk Factors.
Chapter 6: Deconstructing Your Body with an Eating Disorder.
Chapter 7: Sidekicks That Often Accompany Eating Disorders.
Part II: Getting Well: Exploring Recovery and Treatment Options.
Chapter 8: Seeing What Recovery Looks Like.
Chapter 9: Deciding the Who, What, and Where for Treatment.
Chapter 10: Finding the Treatment Approach Thats Right for You.
Chapter 11: Including Other People in Your Treatment.
Chapter 12: Exploring Medication and Other Approaches.
Chapter 13: Making Good Use of the Approach You Choose.
Chapter 14: Managing Early Stage Recovery and the Reality of Relapse.
Part III: Eating Disorders in Special Populations.
Chapter 15: Eating Disorders in Males.
Chapter 16: Athletes and Eating Disorders.
Chapter 17: Eating Disorders on the Stage, Screen, and Runway.
Chapter 18: Eating Disorders in Children.
Chapter 19: Eating Disorders Later In Life.
Chapter 20: Eating Disorders and People Who Are Obese.
Part IV: Advice and Help for Families and Others Who Care.
Chapter 21: Forming a Plan to Help the Person with an Eating Disorder.
Chapter 22: Implementing Your Plan to Help.
Chapter 23: Making Life Livable While Supporting Anothers Recovery.
Chapter 24: Finding Support for Yourself While Supporting Anothers Recovery.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 25: Ten Donts: Behaviors and Thoughts to Avoid.
Chapter 26: Ten Dos: Ways to Enhance Your Recovery.
Resource Guide.