Children and young people in care rarely match the academic achievements of their peers and policy and procedures to address this inequality have not yet remedied the problem.
Drawing on ideas from social pedagogy, the authors present a new approach - learning placements and caring schools. They show that education and care must be considered integral to both out of home placements and schools. Packed with practice examples, it includes chapters on early childhood education and care, as well as alternatives to school and higher education, covering everything from birth up to the age of 25. It highlights the potential benefits of a range of learning opportunities, from drama and outdoor activities, to bedtime stories and mentoring as well as providing support for teachers in their role as carer. Chapters include key points, case studies, practice points and useful resources.
This is a unique evidence-informed practical guide for students and professionals in the fields of social work, social care, psychology and education.
Claire Cameron PhD is Professor of Social Pedagogy and Deputy Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University College London. Previously a social worker, her research contributes to the development of the children's workforce and the quality of life of children and young people attending care and education services, particularly looked after children.
Graham Connelly EdD is a senior lecturer in the School of Social Work and Social Policy at the University of Strathclyde, where he leads on improving the educational outcomes of looked after children at the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS). He is joint editor of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, a trustee of Kibble Education and Care Centre, and founder of Who Cares? Scotland's scholarships for children in care to attend the Harvard University Secondary Summer School.
Sonia Jackson OBE is Emeritus Professor at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University College London. She has previously worked as a clinical psychologist, teacher and social worker and undertook the first research which revealed the neglect of education for children in care. Since then she has led major research studies and published many books and articles on improving their educational opportunities. She is a Patron of the Who Cares? Trust and the Letterbox Club.