The Current Collegiate Hookup Culture

eBook - Dating Apps, Hookup Scripts, and Sexual Outcomes

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781793633613
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 160 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2022
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Current Collegiate Hookup Cultureprovides a holistic picture of the current hookup culture in American college campuses. Based on the findings from a nationally representative survey, Aditi Paul demonstrates that hookups initiated through dating apps are fundamentally different from hookups that ensue from conventional meeting contexts. By comparing the socio-demographic and psychological profiles of students who report meeting their hookup partners through dating apps compared to other venues, she examines if and how hookup scripts and the physical and emotional outcomes of hookups differ across meeting contexts. Furthermore, she explores the potential effect of sexually permissive practices and impresses the importance of including international students into the larger conversation surrounding hookup culture. The Current Collegiate Hookup Culture calls into question long-held gender-specific beliefs about the collegiate hookup culture and advocates moving past dated assumptions for an understanding that more accurately represents the current hookup culture in American college campuses.


Aditi Paul is professor of communication studies at Pace University.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Hookups: An Integral Part of the American College Experience

Chapter 2: Examining Socio-demographic and Psychological Correlates of College Student Hookups

Chapter 3: Meeting Context for Hookups: Parties, School, Dating Apps, and Work

Chapter 4: What Happens During a Hookup? Analysis of College Students Hookup Scripts

Chapter 5: The Positive and Negative Outcomes of Hooking Up

Chapter 6: Sugar Dating: An Alternate Route to Casual Sex

Chapter 7: International Students: The Overlooked Student Population in Hookup Literature


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