Catholic Women's Rhetoric in the United States

eBook - Ethos, the Patriarchy, and Feminist Resistance

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781793636225
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 334 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2022
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Building on various feminist theories of ethos, the authors in this collection explore how North American Catholic women from various periods, races, ethnicities, sexualities, and classes have used elements of the groups positionality to make change. The women considered in the book range from the earliest Catholic sisters who arrived in the United States to women who held the Church hierarchy accountable for the sexual abuse scandals. The book analyzes women such as those in an African American order who developed an ethos that would resist racism. Chapters also consider better known Catholic women such as Dolores Huertas, Mary Daly, and Joan Chittister.


Elizabethada A. Wright is professor of writing studies at University of Minnesota Duluth.

Christina R. Pinkston is assistant professor of English at Norfolk State University.


Table of Contents

Introduction: Ethos, the Patriarchy, and Feminist Resistance

Elizabethada A. Wright

Part I: Ethos within Womens Religious Orders

Chapter One: If we are always your cherished daughters: Ethos, Parrhesia, and Two Nineteenth-Century European-American Catholic Sisters

Elizabethada A. Wright

Chapter Two: Remembering Mother McAuley: Epideictic Rhetoric, Ethos, and Memory

Amy Ferdinandt Stolley

Chapter Three: The Habits and Dwelling Places of Sisters of Color: The New Orleans Soeurs de Sainte-Familles Reconstruction of Ethos

Elizabethada A. Wright and Christiana Ares-Christian

Chapter Four: Corporeal, Confrontational Resistance: The Embodied Rhetoric of the Sisters of Loretto

Shana Scudder

Part II: Intersections of Lay and Clergy

Chapter Five: Who Owns This Church? Feminist Methods of Protest and Lay Catholic Activism

Laura J. Panning Davies

Chapter Six: Clergy Sex Abuse Scandals and the (Re)Making of Good Catholic Mothers

Allison Niebauer and Elisa Vogel

Chapter Seven: Ethos as Presence in Lay Catholic Womens Rhetorics of Accountability

Jamie White-Farnham

Part III: Catholic Lay Womens Ethos

Chapter Eight: A Leader and a Lady: Catholic Womens Use of Business Writing to Create an Ethos of Professionalism and Catholic Lay Womanhood

Jennifer Crosby Burgess

Chapter Nine: Mary Dalys Radical Ethos as Epistemic Voyage

Julianna Edmonds

Chapter Ten: Metanoic Faith: Living Rhetorically in Dorothy Days The Long Loneliness

Jimmy Hamill

Chapter Eleven: Word and Deed: Dolores Huerta, Chicana Feminism and a Zurdo Ethos of Faith in Action

L. Heidenreich

Part IV: Women Religious Negotiations of Ethos

Chapter Twelve: Sister Miriam Josephs Rhetorical Advocacy: The Trivium and Renaissance Rhetoric at St. Marys College, 1931-1960

Joseph Burzynski

Chapter Thirteen: Holiness is Not for Wimps: The Rhetoric of Mother Angelica

Jennifer L. Bay

Chapter Fourteen: A Time to be Queer: Challenging the Rhetoric of Acceptance through the Works of Sister Joan Chittister

Beth Buyserie

Chapter Fifteen: Standing in the Eye of the Storm: The Eternal Habits of US Women Religious

Jamie Downing

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