Nordic Romanticism

eBook - Translation, Transmission, Transformation, Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030991272
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 318 S., 7.76 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2022
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Nordic Romanticism: Translation, Transmission, Transformation is an edited collection exploring the varied and complex interactions between national romanticisms in Britain, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden.  The collection considers both the reception and influence of Nordic romanticism in Britain and Germany and also the reciprocal impact of British and German romanticism in the Nordic countries. Taken as a whole, the volume suggests that to fully understand the range of these individual national romanticisms we need to see them not as isolated phenomena but rather as participating, via translation and other modes of reception, in a transnational or regional romanticism configured around the idea of a shared cultural inheritance in the North.


Cian Duffy is Professor and Chair of English literature at Lund University, Sweden.

Robert W. Rix is Associate Professor of English literature at Copenhagen University, Denmark.


1. The Elf-King: Translation, Transmission, and Transfiguration.- 2. The Echo of a Morning Song: The Biarkamál Fragments in Bertel Christian Sandvigs Danish Songs from the Oldest Times (1779).- 3. Transnational Literature and the Monolingual Paradigm Around 1800: Friederike Brun and Jens Baggesen.- 4. The Vanity of Translation; or, Locating Adam Oehlenschläger in Romantic-Period Europe.- 5. Tracing the North in British Literature of the 1820s: Translation, Appropriation, and Letitia Elizabeth Landons The Ancestress.- 6. The Sunrise on the Peasant Shines: Romantic Cultural Constructions of a Nordic Sonderweg in NineteenthCentury Painting.- 7. The Transmission of Material Experience in NineteenthCentury Danish Landscape Painting.- 8. Mary Howitts Translation of Hans Christian Andersens Fairy Tales.- 9. Minds Play into One Another: The Early Reception of Harriet Martineau in Sweden.- 10. A poet, however, whom we fear that few Swedes know about: Hellen Lindgrens 1892 Essay on Percy Bysshe Shelley.

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