Homeless Voices

eBook - Stigma, Space, and Social Media

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781793635716
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 266 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2022
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Homeless Voices: Stigma, Space, and Social Media argues that the best sources for how to address issues of homelessness are people experiencing homelessness themselves, particularly as they express their experiences through personal blogs and memoirs. Mary L. Schuster discusses how space and land have been historically denied to marginalized communities who still feel the effects to this day, along with examining the conditions and limitations of common spaces often assigned to those experiencing homelessness, culminating in an analysis of how the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted homelessness. Schuster focuses on two vulnerable groups that often experience homelessness: victims of domestic violence and unaccompanied youth, particularly those who struggle with gender identity and unstable housing. This book includes a variety of case studies, examining public meetings and court decisions, public policy symposiums, and personal interviews, and ultimately finds that intersectionalityspecifically age, race, gender identity, and ethnicityplays a large part in understanding and experiencing homelessness. By shifting our attention to the diverse voices who experience homelessness themselves, Schuster claims, we can finally begin to remedy this crisis. Scholars of media studies, sociology, and urban development will find this book particularly useful.


Mary Schuster is professor emerita with the writing studies department and affiliated faculty with the law school at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.


Introduction: Understanding Homelessness

Chapter One: The Wall of Forgotten Natives: Contested Land and Space

Chapter Two: Not in My Neighborhood or Even in My City: Legal Restrictions in Private and Public Spaces

Chapter Three: This Space Called Home: Women and Youth Facing Homelessness

Chapter Four: Displacement and Containment: The Encampment, the Shelter, the Fire, and the Virus

Chapter Five: Final Reflections

Appendix A: Online Blogs and Video Interview Citations

Appendix B: Fair Use and Privacy Concerns Regarding Social Media; Personal Positioning


About the Author

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