
eBook - Notes and Recipes from Daylesford Farm

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473554696
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S., 150.22 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Over 40 years ago, Carole Bamford began a journey towards a more conscious way of life. What began as a desire to make a small difference to the health and future of our planet has grown from a collection of empty barns, bare fields and a small herd of dairy cows, to become Daylesford Organic, one of the most sustainable farms in the UK.

Nurturetells the story of how and why it all began and brings to life the principles, ideas and beliefs that have made Daylesford what it is today. From sustainable farming to holistic health,Nurtureshares Carole Bamfords vision for a more mindful way of life and how we can all nourish our bodies, mind and spirit in a simple and balanced way.

At the heart of Daylesford is its connection to the land and the book also celebrates the bountiful organic produce it reaps with a selection of seasonal recipes. Packed with flavour and nourishing ingredients, choose from colourful salads and hearty stews, indulgent puddings, meals for special occasions and food for those times when you need an additional boost of nutrients.

Nurtureis a celebration of the bounty that nature provides, and a reminder that we must all take care of the land we live off, so that future generations can enjoy its riches too.


Carole Bamfordbelieves in sustainable and holistic living. Her passion for organic farming, natural clothing and well-considered beauty products has made her an influential champion of craftsmanship, traditional skills and natural living. Founder of Daylesford, she is recognised as a visionary in organic farming and healthy food retailing. Through the Bamford clothing and bath&body collections she is an energetic promoter of natural products and believes that artisan skills are to be cherished alongside contemporary design, beauty and function. Her wide range of business interests include farming, retailing, restaurants, clothing, spa and natural wellbeing, and both Daylesford and Bamford have been recognised with numerous awards.

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