Left For Dead: A Maeve Kerrigan Story


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448177974
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 100 S., 1.14 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Two women died every week in the UK at the hands of a partner or ex-partner. On average, women endured thirty-five incidents of domestic abuse before contacting the police.

And then I showed up the thirty-sixth time and stumbled through my arguments for why the victim should trust us. As if we could save them.

It had been two months, and so far I remembered all of their faces. So far, none of them had turned up on the daily briefing as the boroughs latest homicide.

A violent rapist is attacking women, leaving them for dead on south London streets. Then young police woman Maeve Kerrigan responds to a domestic disturbance and stumbles across the latest victim. But as a new recruit and a female to boot she must battle sexism from her colleagues in her bid to be taken seriously enough to even assist on the case...

Jane Caseys bestselling D.C. Kerrigan books have earned her many fans. This exclusive digital short story takes Maeve back to her early days as a rookie police woman.


All my criminal elements have some basis in reality, no matter how awful they may be. Nothing is completely farfetched.Jane Casey

Crime is a family affair for Jane Casey. Married to a criminal barrister, she has a unique insight into the brutal underbelly of urban life, from the smell of a police cell to the darkest motives of a serial killer.

This gritty realism has made her books international bestsellers and critical successes; while D.C. Maeve Kerrigan has quickly become one of the most popular characters in crime fiction.

Her novel The Stranger You Know won the Mary Higgins Clark Award and she has also been shortlisted for the Irish Crime Novel of the Year Award four times as well as the CWA Dagger in the Library Award.


A digital crime thriller novella featuring Detective Maeve Kerrigan>

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