How to Fall

eBook - Jess Tennant

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448119462
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 416 S., 1.02 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Now with exclusive first chapter from the sequel, BET YOUR LIFE.

When fifteen-year-old Freya drowns, everyone assumes she's killed herself, but no-one knows why. Her cousin, Jess Tennant, thinks she was murdered - and is determined to uncover the truth. On a summer visit to sleepy Port Sentinel, Jess (who bears a striking resemblance to her dead cousin) starts asking questions - questions that provoke strong reactions from her friends and family, not to mention Freya's enemies.

Everyone is hiding something - and Freya herself had more than her fair share of secrets. Can Jess unravel the mystery of her cousin's death? A mystery involving a silver locket, seething jealousy and a cliff-top in the pitch black of night?


All my criminal elements have some basis in reality, no matter how awful they may be. Nothing is completely farfetched.Jane Casey

Crime is a family affair for Jane Casey. Married to a criminal barrister, she has a unique insight into the brutal underbelly of urban life, from the smell of a police cell to the darkest motives of a serial killer.

This gritty realism has made her books international bestsellers and critical successes; while D.C. Maeve Kerrigan has quickly become one of the most popular characters in crime fiction.

Her novel The Stranger You Know won the Mary Higgins Clark Award and she has also been shortlisted for the Irish Crime Novel of the Year Award four times as well as the CWA Dagger in the Library Award.


The first unputdownable YA crime thriller from bestselling author Jane Casey. Now with exclusive first chapter from the sequel, BET YOUR LIFE.>

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