The Girl Who Walked On Air

eBook - 'The Queen of Historical Fiction at her finest.' Guardian

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780571297177
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 0.48 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2014
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


From the queen of historical fiction, The Girl Who Walked On Air by Emma Carroll is an enchanting historical adventure for ages 9-11.Louie, who was abandoned at Chipchase's Travelling Circus as a baby, dreams of becoming a'Showstopper', but Mr Chipchase keeps her hidden, tucked away in the ticket booth. No Death-Defying Stunts for her. But Louie has been secretly practising her act - tightrope-walking - and dreams of being the Girl Who Walked on Air . . . she just needs to be given the chance to shine.And the circus needs her too - Wellbeloved's rival show is stealing their crowds. They need a Showstopper. Desperate, Mr Chipchase reluctantly lets Louie perform. She is a sensation, and gets an offer from the sinister Mr Wellbeloved himself to perform . . . over Niagara Falls. But nothing is quite as it seems and soon Louie's bravery is tested not just on the highwire but in confronting her past and the shady characters in the world of the circus . . .Fans of Frost Hollow Hall will love this epic adventure about following your dreams and becoming a showstopper!'An adventure of old-fashioned charm.'The Sunday Times'Engaging and entertaining.'Independent on Sunday'This book will keep you hooked as you let your imagination take flight.'We Love This Book'This one ticks all the boxes - Emma Carroll is an author to watch.'Books for Keeps'Historical fiction fans will love Emma Carroll's The Girl Who Walked on Air.'Sunday Express'Perfect for captivating the imagination of a developing reader.'Mumsnet


Emma Carroll is a secondary school English teacher. She has also worked as a news reporter, an avocado picker and the person who punches holes into filofax paper. She recently graduated with distinction from Bath Spa University's MA in Writing For Young People.The Girl Who Walked on Air is Emma's second novel. She lives in the Somerset Hills with her husband and two terriers.

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